I have had a busy week! We finished the photo work with the local high school teams, created the products, printed the packages and returned the orders... During this time I had a number of sketch projects arrive
via the internet and USPS. My wife, Nancy, and I went to our grand daughters birthday bash then she flew out to CA for her dad's 90th birthday... And I am still in excruciating pain with plantar faciitis and back pain... I don't want to know if that can get worse!

I am continuing my experimenting with my painting.
I completed two more pastels this week and learned a lot more about under painting from reading Richard McKinley's blog and and watching Robert Rohm's DVD on landscape painting with pastels.

Being a photographer tends to make me gravitate toward detail, lots of detail... when you spend your time processing photos it is sometimes a challenge to look at a scene and only see large shapes not objects, values not colors and suggest objects not focus in on them... Creating a more painterly piece

is what I hope to be able to achieve. At that point, if I ever arrive there, I think I can blend the two inner warring factors and create some beautiful work.... that is this down the road....

On the Sport Sketch site I have two new entries into the "Work in Progress"

area and some REALLY BIG NEWS developing that I can't tell you about just yet... But I can tell you that I did a super composite sketch for an NCAA superstar... I have to wait to see if I can post it for public viewing before I let the cat out of the bag.... Who is he/she?
If you know basketball, you know this player!