Showing Tag: "painting" (Show all posts)

Aspen Road

Posted by James Geddes on Thursday, July 21, 2011, In : art 
The photo I took has some of my favorite elements such as a leading line with the road taking you the viewer into the photo. But I was not pleased with the breadth of the road. I wanted it more personal, a more intimate experience for the viewer. I spent 5 days photographing this region and I had driven many one lane roads to gain access throughout the area.
So I took another photo of the same area roads and over laid it onto this base photo. This created
a layer that I coul...

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The Arborist

Posted by James Geddes on Monday, June 28, 2010, In : art 
Forgive me for being such a slacker on my blog duties... I had been swamped with work and then went on a couple week paint around and supervising Nancy in the garden!

I have continued with my photography and pastel painting which is mostly done from photos that I take on trips around western and eastern WA. This is why my blog is called Photo Painter.

My latest painting was completed this morning after a day of preparation. I created my own surface on a 16x20 rigid foam core. This required a Go...
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Painting Clouds

Posted by James Geddes on Friday, January 22, 2010, In : art 

Palouse Cloudburst

Pictured: Karen, my instructor and yours truly

As I continue my pursuit of painting, I returned to the only instructor I have had personal lessons with. Karen lives here on the island about a 25 minute drive down West Beach to her home and studio overlooking Hurricane Ridge and the Olympics Mountains rising out of the sound. It's a wonderful place to view clouds and water which were the subjects that I was seeking help with.

Pictured above are Karen and myself with the cloud ...

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Meet James

James Geddes I have so many things to be thankful for... I live in a beautiful place along the water of a beautiful little lake in the gorgeous state of Washington. The wildlife here is incredible, the summer evenings on the lake are postcard perfect. I enjoy my art, whether it is photography, painting or sketching. It's wonderful to have such a diverse selection of activities in my daily life. I also enjoy the company of my soul mate and wife of 40 years, Nancy.... who is definitely the "better" half! Pastels and painting have become a rich part of my life now. I love to paint and this gives me the opportunity for trips into the wonderful mountains, tide areas and farmlands that surround our home.

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